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Monday, December 31, 2012

Changes+Happy New Year!,Bye 2012,Out will come 2013!

Hi I made some Changes to my blog. Like the ,the back round, Text Colors, Gadget Stuff, Tab Colors. Like those stuff.
Also Happy New Years Everybody! It is now 11:12 PM (eastern time)  38 minutes until New Years in 2013! (The time of my Blog is wrong. I will fix it)
Lots of things happened in 2012! Lets take a look of what happened in 2012-Like-
.President Barack Obama became president for 4 more years.
.I joined Panfu and started a blog in 2012  too.
.Hurricane Sandy hit America.
.This year also it was 12-12-12 and that's the last year that's going to have all the 3 digits of the same number until another 100 years.
.And a special year for EVERYONE,  EVERYONE had a Birthday this year!
Well Everyone has a Birthday Every Year!
Lots of things happened this year! It was fun! Now out will come 2013 for 365 days!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Found Out

Hi I found out how to get my videos in videos. Like you don't have to do the Click Here thing because I got it in video! Check my videos out. Leave comments about them! I hope you like them!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Video Page(MY FIRST VIDEO)+Confetti!

Hi I checked out Faai's blog and she had a GoAnimate video. So I checked what website it is to make some videos for my blog. Faai said she was Okay with it! So I put up a new page for my videos. I MADE My FIRST VIDEO Today!  But I can't find out how to get the video on my blog. So I just did the Click Here thing. Check mine out!

Also now instead of throwing Snowballs we can throw Confetti! That's probably because it's almost 'New Years'!

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Hi Gold Panda STARTED

My spare account also got deleted a couple of day's ago. So I told Panfu Support that I got deactivated JUST because I told someone my blog! Then they answered back and said I broke the Panfu Rules! BUT I DIDN'T. JUST RIGHT THE SECOND I TOLD SOMEONE MY BLOG, DEACTIVATED! Then I told them ''I know there's a rule about no telling website's But I thought we were allowed to say Blog's'' and I said, ''So we are not allowed to say blog's either''.
Here's what they responded:

So I am warning you that you better watch out if you say your blog's on Panfu


Hi Guys! Dip and I have been noticing that people are copying thing's from our blog's. Like these two girls, their blog is called ''Faaizy's Random Panfu Blog'' Click Here for her blog link  and the other girl's blog is called ''panfucredits'' Her Panfu name is ''WHATY500 Click Here for her blog link. They copied  Dip's and mine idea of  'Guess Who Mystery Person' and Dip's and mine blog is copyrighted© So if they don't take it down within 2 or 3 week's, their blog will be PERTINENTLY deleted! If you don't believe that I started ''Guess Who Mystery Person'', Click Here to go to when I first did the game on my blog. So Faaizy and WHATY500, you guy's better take it down unless you guy's want to have your blog's PERTINENTLY deleted! Everyone else go to their blog's and check it out. Faaizy and WHATY500, Dip and I aren't  trying to be mean. I mean Damian101 told us about copyright and it mean's that if anyone copies an idea from another blog and the blog is copyrighted. The blog who copied it, their blog will be pertinently deleted. So Dip and I aren't trying to be mean, we are trying to warn you about your blog's being deleted. Also we aren't only trying to warn them if anyone else has a blog please do not copy anything from my blog. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!+No More Advent Prizes+Christmas Tree Is Gone(Not At First For Me LOL)+O.O Igloo?+GP Day On Friday

First of all Long Title Now...

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope Everyone Likes their presents!

The Gingerbread Man is not giving out prizes anymore.

They took away the Christmas tree today ON CHRISTMAS
But when I went to the Jungle at first another weird place as usual and the Christmas Tree WAS THERE.

 But when I restarted it and went back at the Jungle No More Tree

Today When I went to the Igloo at first it was there. But the second time it wasn't, but I could still go in

Last Of Just wanna tell you that GP day is this Friday

That's All For Now

The One And Only

Monday, December 24, 2012

Haven't been on for a while+Advent Prize Of December,24,2012+No Chat+Used to

Hey Guys!  I haven't been on for 6 or 7 days,either those two. I MIGHT not be on as much as used to.Like I won't be posting on my blog and going on Panfu as much. But I am pretty sure I will  ONLY get a chance to do everyday's Advent Prize and maybe some other stuff. But not Panfu.

So here's today's Advent Prize
              My computer got mixed up with a picture. I got the picture but it got mixed up. The  
               picture was when the gingerbread man said ''Merry Christmas cutey584!''

                                                        It's a Reindeer Costume

Also I haven't been on Panfu so I didn't know if there's Chat or not. So since I got a chance now I checked it out and it turns out we are not.
And it's not even 8:00 PM I guess Panfu Support also need a Holiday break

Last of Didn't the City used to full? But look at it now.

There's only 3 people. Well including me. I am the one with the arrow pointing well you know that. What I am trying to say is that Panfu USED to be full, even at a time like this. I checked other places too, no one. Are they shutting down Panfu or sumthin?

The one and only,

Monday, December 17, 2012

Snow Panfu Theme+Advent Prize of December,17.2012+Mystery Person Revealed+ Blocked Right Click

Today the Panfu Home Site has a Snow Theme

Here's today's Advent Prize
I think it's something for Hanuka or Kwanzaa 

The Guess Who Mystery Person was:_Damian101_. 
The winners are: Teddyrulez2002, Smoshy18,and M237
I don't know how they figured Damian out I put him in disguise 

I also blocked for you guys right clicking my blog because I don't want you guys to mess with my property. Also I don't want you guys to steal my Ideas and take my Pictures.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Not sure

Hi Guys I am not sure if I am going to the game ''Find The Decorations' anymore because sometimes for some of you it's gonna be hard tell me where the decoration is. Also if I put more than one I want you to find than it might also be hard. Well it's your choice post a comment on my blog if you want me to keep the game  ''Find The Decorations'' on my blog anymore or not.

Preview of Mystery Person

Tomorrow I am going to reveal the Mystery Person
Here are the hints and the picture again
Guess damian
1.He has a blog
2.He knows how to do cheats
3.He has puffy hair

Advent Prize of December,16,2012

Here's today's Advent Prize
                                                        It's a Ornament Costume for you Panda

Friday, December 14, 2012

Advent Prize of Decmember,14,2012+Item Day+No Snow Falling on Panfu

Here's today's Advent Prize
 It's a Back Round

Today's also Item Day

Also there's no snow falling from the sky today
Maybe it will snow later today in the afternoon or evening

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Be Smarter Is Back (Different One)+Actual Snow Falling On Panfu

Hi Be Smarter is back!SmileOpen-mouthed smile
B.S back 1
But Its DifferentB.S back 2B.S back 3B.S back 4                                             Hey look my score is the same as Damian’s
B.S back 5
Here’s the Smartypants of the Month

B.S back 6
Also there’s ACTUAL SNOW on Panfu


Guess Who Mystery Person Revealed+New Guess Who Mystery Person

The Guess Who Person was:Indigofu2627 No one even guessed so there are no winnersSad smile
indi ms revaeled

 SmileHere’s the new Mystery Person:  The hints are on the bottom of the picture
       Guess damian      
1.He has a blog
2.He knows how to do cheats
3. He has puffy hair                                                                                                            

Advent Prize Of December,13,2012

Here's today's Advent Prize
It's a Sled

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Level Booster Day+Advent Prize Of December 12

Hi today is level Booster Day
                               I am not the one who's on level 36 the other guy is. I am now on Level 56

Here's today's Advent Prize
                                                                    It's a Teddy Bear

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Now Can Do Emotions

  SmileOpen-mouthed smileWinking smileHi now I Can do emotions on my blog

                            And by the way I know most of you guys think Dip found how to add faces. But I am the one that went on Greyson34’s blog and told him how does he do the faces



Advent Prize Of December 11

I forgot to get today's Advent Prize on the last post. Here it is
                                                             It's a back round for your player card.


Hi  Today the Water balloons are SNOWBALLS

And There's a Igloo at the Jungle and turns out the Gingerbread man is in there

                                                          There's also music in here


Monday, December 10, 2012

Advent Prize Of December 10

Here's today's Advent Prize
                                                                          It's a Christmas Tree

Just sayin isn't my tree a little crowded

IT'S SNOWING+Thank's Damian

IT'S REALLY SNOWED ON PANFU! It look's like the Gingerbread Man was right after all.
By The Way The Reason I am on the server Pandaland is because 3 of my friend's were there,'
_Damian101_,Rosey675,and Greyson34.

And Thank's Damian for saying that I am back on your blog. It really meant a lot!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Today the Gingerbread that gives the advent prize said this:
                              See the words that are circled in red.So we might really have snow after all

Advent Prize Of December 9

Here's today's Advent Prize
                                                                   It's a costume for you to wear


Hi Dip told me to check out the Panfu blog and I saw that THERE WILL BE NO SNOW ON PANFU THIS YEAR

Let's hope someone can make it snow this year


Guess Who Mystery Person

Here's the mystery person: I will give you until Wednesday to find out

1.He has a blog
2.He's usually small on Panfu
3.He says he loves cake

I know the picture looks kind of blurry. But I hope you can still see him
I will give you until Tuesday to find out