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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Item Day (So full!)+Is the forever Gold Membership still here?

Hey Guys to start off with this post: today the Gift Machine is Active:

It's a LOL Neon Sign. Pretty Cool eh?
My tree house is getting SO full. Take a look:  (the LOL sign is circled)
There's still a lot of things I have in my box but my tree is too full it won't let me. I wish Damian101 could still give out rare items. SO he could give a igloo tree house. He's very nice

And to end this post: 
This morning I went on Damian's Blog and he said we could have FOREVER GP Membership on Panfu (but gotta buy a memberhip (anyone) and you can have one FOREVER). So in the morn. I went on Panfu blog and it said there was. But now in the afternoon when i went on it it wasn't even there?
SO is it still active to do it?

All for now
Have A Great Rest of the Day


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Level Booster Machine+Let's unfreeze the Castle!

Hey Everyone!

To start off with this post, today the Level Booster Machine is working
and you might notice that my hair looks different. If you read the next part of this post (the writing at the end of the quest), you will find out why because I wen on the Level booster AFTER I did the quest.

Well today is Wednesday, so that means.......New Quest!
Let's try to unfreeze the Castle!

So just put on this fire hair and stay in front of the Castle.

And as you can see the meter that's squared is the meter that shows how much the Castle is unfrreezed.

And if you put on the fire hair your regular hair goes away. I didn't know that at first, so now I have to wait until the next GP day.
So now I am going to use the hair that I had when I wasn't a GP membership.

Well Have A Great Day!


Vote on the poll!

Monday, February 25, 2013

New Page ''Quizzes''+Mystery Person (9) revealed

Hi Guys To start off with this post, Some of you might have noticed that Yesterday I made a new page called ''Quizzes''. On that page I am going to put some Quizzes on it that I made. I already did one, it's a Panfu Quiz. I also put on it what site I used to make it. But I might make some changes once in a while.

And Lastly I am going to announce the Mystery Person today.
It was: iTaffyxx

Congratulations to: Faai and Pemela57 who got it right.

I don't have a new Mystery Person yet. But when I get one I will give you 1 week again to guess.

All for now 
Have A Great Day!


P.S Vote on the poll

Saturday, February 23, 2013

2 more days (The Weekend) to guess+I am pretty sure I missed it?

Hi Guys Happy Weekend! Just a reminder that you have the weekend and Monday to guess the new Mystery Person because I will announce it on Tuesday, February. 26  If anyone needs it here is a preview of the mystery Person


1. This is not her normal look and not always small on Panfu
2.She loves carrying around her pokopet Stella on Panfu  
3.She has been on Panfu for a long time
4.She has like a group of friends she hangs out with and 2 of them are Faai and Deedstar (Bethy)

And also today I went to check if the Booster Machine was working today because I haven't done it in a while. But Indigofu2627 today me that it was yesterday. So just saying it could have been yesterday.

Have a great Day!


P.S Vote on the poll on the top of my blog

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gift Machine+Scare Away Evron's Guards with LOVE?

Hi Guys It's Wednesday today's so that means New Quest!
But to start off with this post today the Gift Machine is working:

Now Quest time Looks like Evron has guards all over the place freezing Pandas!

So that means when you throw a Heart Rainbow at Evrons 5 Guards they will walk away and that guard will stop freezing you. But you have to Heart Rainbow all 5 guards when you are done you will be rewarded 
And here are the places the guards are:

Once you Heart Rainbowed on 5 guards this will be your reward:
And I wonder if we get to keep the Heart Rainbow?
Well I still  have it but I wonder if they are going to take it way?

That's really all for now
Have a Great Day!


P.S remember on the poll above and try to guess the ?Mystery Person?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New Guess Who Mystery Person (9)+A little more time, taking 1 down+Be Careful

Hi Guys Today I am going to post about the new Mystery Person today, I finally got one. And also for now on I am going to give you 1 week to guess who it is. And sometimes I will give you more than 3 hints. (this picture is blurry again because this person is small on Panfu)

1. This is not her normal look and not always small on Panfu
2.She loves carrying around her pokopet Stella on Panfu  
3.She has been on Panfu for a long time
4.She has like a group of friends she hangs out with and 2 of them are Faai and Deedstar (Bethy)

I will announce the ?Mystery Person? on Tuesday, February. 26 

Also I really am going to announce the votes on the poll for a new Panfu place on a later date time I don't know when yet. And for that then I am not going to take down those 2 polls on March 5th.
So when I figure out the date I will post again. That means you guys still have more time to vote on the poll ''If there was a new Panfu place what would you like it to be?''. And I will be taking down the poll ''What do you like BEST on my blog?''

And last all be careful if you ever ask anyone that if they can follow your blog or even saying your blog link because you might get blocked.

That's all for now
Have a Great Day!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Cheat Ideas+Guess Who Hall Of Fame+Vote on the 2 polls

Hi Everyone!  To start of with this post, I want to tell you guys that if anyone knows any Cheats or Glitches on Panfu and would like me to put it on my page. Just comment on that page or a post and tell me what the Cheat or Glitch is.

And also My ''Guess Who Hall Of Fame'' page might be a little out of order so I will fix that later. And instead of making the Mystery Persons pictures going next to each other I am thinking of making them go down in order, I might do that. Also everyone knows that if they want to be a Mystery Person they can just go on the page called ''Guess Who, Mystery Person Things'' and fill in a tryout. I haven't had a Mystery Person in a while because I haven't had a tryout in a while. Maybe people still thought the tryout was on the bottom and I deleted it. But No its on that page,   ''Guess Who, Mystery Person Things''. And some of the questions are not required that means yo don't have to do them , It is ''If I choose you a Mystery Person, Where will I meet you on panfu to take your pic?''.

And finally remember to vote on the 2 polls on the top of my Blog. Not a lot of people voted yet on the poll ''If there was a new Panfu place, what would you like it to be''. And I will announce the votes in a week. I already announced the other poll. But you can still vote on the 2 polls until March 5th. I will just announce ''If there was a new Panfu place, what would you like it to be'' in 1 week.

Have a Great Day!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Panfu 2013 New Furniture Edition+Added some Cheats

Hi Guys Today I noticed that Panfu made a new Furniture Cover for the catalouge.

They also made one for the tree house catalouge
But seems so this one still says 2012?
But I wonder if Panfu is going to make one for the cloths catalouge or a new one for the Pokopets catalouge?

Also just want to let you guys know I added the Dance Walking Cheat on the Cheats or Glitches page and today I added a new one if you guys want to know how to do them. And I might do one everyday if I find one everyday.

Bye for today.


Friday, February 15, 2013

New Page

Hi Guys I know I just did a post a while ago today. But I want to write something else right now. And I wanted to do it on a different post.
Well I am gonna make a new page called ''Panfu Cheats and/or Glitches''. It's gonna have all Panfu Cheats and Glitches I can find on Panfu on it, like the Dance Walking one. I will put that up later. I am going to make a whole page about the cheats and Glitches because if I do it on a post when I find one. When I make more posts, it will go on the Older Posts one like the Dance Walking one. So check that page out everyday because I might have a new one everyday or more than one (Today's was How To Dance Walk on Panfu) and you guys can learn to do lots of cool things on Panfu.
 Wow short post. I am pretty sure this is the last thing I have to post about today.

Bye for now then!


And P.S. I will make a new page called ''Panfu Panda Symbols'' later. I will do it when I get all the pictures for all the symbols on Panfu.

Item Day How To Dance Walk (Thanks Damian!)

Hi Guys! Did everyone have a nice Valentines Day yesterday with all your cards and candy?
Anyway to start off with this post, today the Prize Machine is active. It's a laundry basket. SO does anyone have any dirty cloths that are laying on on floor? Lol!

Next (Last) Does anyone on Panfu see Pandas walking while they are dancing?
Well here are the steps and the pictures of how to do that on Panfu if anyone want's to know: (And thanks a lot to  Damian101 to help me with the steps)

(1) First- you click on your actions and go on the top section and turn invisible

(2) Next- Before you be visible again you click on your actions again and you click on the second section and you do a dance like Disco Dance

(3) Finally- You don't start to walk after you dance then when the noise for the invisable thing is gone, you start to walk and BAM! you can dance while you walk.

I hope these instructions were helpful and worked for you.



Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day! (2013)Gold Panda Day!+Level Booster Day+Let's Unfreeze Kamaria!

Hi Guys Happy Valentines Day! Hope Everyone Has A Very SWEET and LOVELY day!
Sorry I haven't been on Panfu or blogged for a while so.... I didn't get a chance to do the Quest yesterday
But to start off with this post  Gold Panda Day started!

Next today the Booster Machine is working

And finally here is the Quest:

Then you go back and click on Kamaria and only part of her is unfreezed. You gotta keep waiting 10 minutes and every time part of her is unfreezed. You gotta keep clicking on her every 10 minutes until she is completely unfreezed. Then you will rewarded after.

I forgot the first unfreezed part picture

And here is the prize
It's a fireplace for your tree house

And that's the quest.
 But I wonder when there is going to be a plan to unfreeze the Castle and the Castle Tower (Kamaria's Rom)?

Bye For Now

Have A Great Rest Of The Valentines Day



P.S I will post how to dance walk on Panfu tomorrow if I have time. I don't know when I will do it but I will some point