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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bonez's Frog Attack!+Item Day

Afternoon People

It looks like Bonez came with bad news

But before I get on with the Quest..
Today the Gift Machine is active:

Some Wind Chimes dangling from your tree!

Now on with the Quest

Then click on the fruit basket and you become a frog!

When someone kisses you there will be 1,2,3 on top of a smooch to say how many people kissed you.
Once 3 people kisses you you will anticlimactically be a normal Panda again

(Thanks Damian By the way for doing the last kiss) Lol :-)

And that's the quest.
What might be for next Wednesday. Probably Evron or Bonez won't interrup this time. Should be something for welcoming Spring.
We don't know yet, Let's wait and find out!

Bye for today 
Have a Great Evening

~The one and only, Cuey584

P.S The winner for the Rainbow Bolly is skaterbex

P.S.S Why are Pandas getting blocked for no reason! I went on Deedstar's Blog and she is now deactivated too! 

1 comment:

  1. Cutey,
    Do you know someone on blogger called "Afroza Ruma" ?

    - Damian101
